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Tripsy™ for cats

Supplement for kidney, renal and bladder problems in cats

Tripsy™ for cats HK$346.95 Add to Cart

Kidney failure in cats: One Kitty’s dramatic tail

Inspiring Pet Tails 4 min read
Kidney failure in cats: One Kitty’s dramatic tail

Kidney failure in cats is very serious and can be caused by a variety of things. Once Kidney Failure sets in, there are not many cases in which a full recovery is possible. We received this amazing review from one of our pet parents Adrian, about his Kitty’s dramatic U-Turn after being diagnosed with acute Kidney Failure;

My 19-year-old cat had been doing reasonably well until one week when he seemed to lose his appetite and then stopped eating and drinking entirely. He was staggering around like he was drunk and he got weaker and weaker until he was just sleeping all the time and not even moving. I took him to the veterinarian, where he was put into the pet hospital and given IV rehydration.

The lab results came back, and he had acute kidney failure, which the vet said was likely due to eating some poisonous plant-like lilies. His kidneys were functioning at less than 8%, not enough to survive — and he had just had a check-up a few months back with normal kidney function! The vet recommended euthanasia, but I wanted to take him home. The vet said he would probably only live a couple of days and again reminded me that he provides euthanasia services. 

I remembered I had some Tripsy from a couple of years ago when my cat had struvite crystals, and that Tripsy was good for the kidneys. I took him home and started giving him Tripsy right away. He wouldn’t eat or drink anything for two days, but on the third day, he drank some milk and then the next day began to eat a little. After two weeks on Tripsy, he has made a recovery and is doing better. 

It’s a true story, and it could have all been a coincidence, but Tripsy sure seemed to help my cat to make a dramatic turn around from the brink of death. He is still not fully back to normal, but he is eating a good amount, drinking water, walking around, and being more active every day. He badly wants to go outside and play, but I’m not letting him out unsupervised and risk him eating more lily plants!

Every case is different, and we are thrilled that in this instance Tripsy was able to help this Kitty pull through and fight for his life!

Tripsy is our main supplement for Kidney health and urinary tract disorders. It helps to keep a healthy urinary tract, including the kidneys, bladder, and the pathways in between them. An all-natural anti-inflammatory, Tripsy also helps with the breakdown of kidney stones and crystals, easing uncomfortable urination and other symptoms.

Five main organs benefit from the potent blend of herbs found in NHV’s Tripsy for kidney problems in cats. These are:

Kidneys – The prevention and aid of kidney stones are attributed to such herbs as Stone Root, Parsley Piert, and Gravel Root.

Bladder – The herb Wild Hydrangea is a powerful antiseptic that helps reduce the formation of urinary calculi while the nutritive herb Marshmallow acts as a diuretic to flush the toxins out of the body.

Pancreas – Potent herbs such as Parsley Piert and Oregon Grape help to stimulate the pancreas to aid in digestion, relieve malabsorption, and have antibiotic and immunostimulatory properties.

Liver and Gallbladder – Stone Root is a powerful herb that aids and prevents gravel in the urinary system and gallbladder.


This Kitty was lucky that his Dad did not want to give up on him, and that he had some Tripsy handy! Our blend of Tripsy is Glycerin-based and is safe for long-term use. Many of our NHV family members who have been diagnosed with Kidney problems use it for the rest of their lives, helping to support their Kidneys and bladders. Tripsy has also been used in clinical trials by The University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine under the supervision of Dr. Joe Bartges, DVM, Ph.D., DACVIM, DACVN, Professor of Medicine and Nutrition, Department of Small Animal Medicine and Surgery Veterinary Medical Center UGA VCM. This study looked at the effectiveness of Tripsy on Urinary ailments. You can read more about the study here

For many kitties and doggies, Tripsy works better with Milk Thistle and Turmeric. Kidney failure can affect the heart and the liver, which makes it important to look for a holistic regimen that supports these three organs. Another crucial step towards the treatment of kidney failure in cats is the right diet. Vets will offer a prescription diet or you can cook one using a recipe prepared by a veterinarian keeping your pet’s condition in mind.

Please reach out to your NHV Pet Expert to find the best diet and supplements for your pet with kidney failure.

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Published: October 8, 2019

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